5 Step Coaching Process

If you are not familiar with the coaching process, the five steps listed below will give you an idea of how we will work on your "inner" barriers preventing you from having the success you desire. My unique two-step approach of inner coaching and outer business strategies ensures you receive everything you need to become a successful solopreneur.

  1. Uncover the True You: We will explore who you are and what you truly want in your business and life. Together, we will analyze your current situation, your satisfaction with the different areas of your business, and your attitudes and beliefs about being an entrepreneur in today's economy. From here, we will define success as it aligns with your vision, and we will identify and prioritize where you want to go by establishing a roadmap that meets your needs.
  2. Knocking Down the Barriers: We will do some heavy lifting in this step by identifying the obstacles that are getting in your way. In business, it could be your marketing, pricing, actual client attraction, time management, financial systems, workflow, or client follow-up. We will discover the outer and inner blocks to your life balance and success and develop strategies to overcome them. This is where you will learn to quiet that inner critic telling you you are not good enough to succeed.
  3. Create a path that moves you forward: In this step, you will develop a well-rounded, crystal-clear plan that provides a results-driven approach to meeting your goals and aspirations. You will now be free to take the positive action required to grow your business!
  4. Ready! Aim! Fire! Then check the Target: Together, we will implement strategies that will help you manage your time, increase your productivity, and reconnect you to the passion and creativity that inspired you initially. You will see positive shifts in your personal and business energy! This is indeed an exciting time!
  5. Strategic Success that is sustainable:  This is the final step of the journey. You will have all the strategies to give you higher energy, greater peace of mind, and complete satisfaction with your business and lifestyle. You will no longer need my services as you will be fully inspired to BECOME BOOKED & PROFITABLE!